Source code for dig.xgraph.method.gnn_gi

import torch
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn as nn
from torch_geometric.utils.loop import add_self_loops
from ..models.utils import subgraph
from .base_explainer import WalkBase

EPS = 1e-15

[docs]class GNN_GI(WalkBase): r""" An implementation of GNN-GI in `Higher-Order Explanations of Graph Neural Networks via Relevant Walks <>`_. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The target model prepared to explain. explain_graph (bool, optional): Whether to explain graph classification model. (default: :obj:`False`) .. note:: For node classification model, the :attr:`explain_graph` flag is False. """ def __init__(self, model: nn.Module, explain_graph=False): super().__init__(model=model, explain_graph=explain_graph)
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, **kwargs ): r""" Run the explainer for a specific graph instance. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The graph instance's input node features. edge_index (torch.Tensor): The graph instance's edge index. **kwargs (dict): :obj:`node_idx` (int): The index of node that is pending to be explained. (for node classification) :obj:`sparsity` (float): The Sparsity we need to control to transform a soft mask to a hard mask. (Default: :obj:`0.7`) :obj:`num_classes` (int): The number of task's classes. :rtype: (dict, list, list) .. note:: (walks, edge_masks, related_predictions): walks is a dictionary including walks' edge indices and corresponding explained scores; edge_masks is a list of edge-level explanation for each class; related_predictions is a list of dictionary for each class where each dictionary includes 4 type predicted probabilities. """ super().forward(x, edge_index, **kwargs) self.model.eval() self_loop_edge_index, _ = add_self_loops(edge_index, num_nodes=self.num_nodes) walk_steps, fc_step = self.extract_step(x, edge_index, detach=False) if not self.explain_graph: node_idx = kwargs.get('node_idx') assert node_idx is not None _, _, _, self.hard_edge_mask = subgraph( node_idx, self.__num_hops__, self_loop_edge_index, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=None, flow=self.__flow__()) def compute_walk_score(adjs, r, allow_edges, walk_idx=[]): if not adjs: walk_indices.append(walk_idx) walk_scores.append(r.detach()) return (grads,) = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=r, inputs=adjs[0], create_graph=True) for i in allow_edges: allow_edges= torch.where(self_loop_edge_index[1] == self_loop_edge_index[0][i])[0].tolist() new_r = grads[i] * adjs[0][i] compute_walk_score(adjs[1:], new_r, allow_edges, [i] + walk_idx) labels = tuple(i for i in range(kwargs.get('num_classes'))) walk_scores_tensor_list = [None for i in labels] for label in labels: if self.explain_graph: f = torch.unbind(fc_step['output'][0, label].unsqueeze(0)) allow_edges = [i for i in range(self_loop_edge_index.shape[1])] else: f = torch.unbind(fc_step['output'][node_idx, label].unsqueeze(0)) allow_edges = torch.where(self_loop_edge_index[1] == node_idx)[0].tolist() adjs = [walk_step['module'][0].edge_weight for walk_step in walk_steps] reverse_adjs = adjs.reverse() walk_indices = [] walk_scores = [] compute_walk_score(adjs, f, allow_edges) walk_scores_tensor_list[label] = torch.stack(walk_scores, dim=0).view(-1, 1) walks = {'ids': torch.tensor(walk_indices, device=self.device), 'score':, dim=1)} # --- Apply edge mask evaluation --- with torch.no_grad(): with self.connect_mask(self): ex_labels = tuple(torch.tensor([label]).to(self.device) for label in labels) masks = [] for ex_label in ex_labels: edge_attr = self.explain_edges_with_loop(x, walks, ex_label) mask = edge_attr mask = self.control_sparsity(mask, kwargs.get('sparsity')) masks.append(mask.detach()) related_preds = self.eval_related_pred(x, edge_index, masks, **kwargs) return walks, masks, related_preds