
Evaluation interfaces under dig.ggraph.evaluation.


Evaluator for constrained optimization task.


Evaluator for property optimization task.


Evaluator for random generation task.

class Cons_Optim_Evaluator[source]

Evaluator for constrained optimization task. Metric is the average property improvements, similarities and success rates under the similarity threshold 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6.


Run evaluation in constrained optimization task. Compute the average property improvements, similarities and success rates under the similarity threshold 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6.


input_dict (dict) – A python dict with the following items: “mols_0”, “mols_2”, “mols_4”, “mols_6” — the list of optimized molecules under the similarity threshold 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, all represented by rdkit Chem.RWMol or Chem.Mol objects; “inp_smiles” — the list of SMILES strings of input molecules to be optimized.

Return type

dict (a python dict with the following items: 0, 2, 4, 6 — the metric values under the similarity threshold 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6. The metric values are given in the form of a tuple (success rate, mean of similarity, standard deviation of similarity, mean of property improvement, standard deviation of property improvement).

class Prop_Optim_Evaluator(prop_name='plogp')[source]

Evaluator for property optimization task. Metric is top-3 property scores among generated molecules.


prop_name (str) – A string indicating the name of the molecular property, use ‘plogp’ for penalized logP or ‘qed’ for Quantitative Estimate of Druglikeness (QED). (default: plogp)


Run evaluation in property optimization task. Find top-3 molucules which have highest property scores.


input_dict (dict) – A python dict with the following items: “mols” — a list of generated molecules reprsented by rdkit Chem.Mol or Chem.RWMol objects.

Return type

dict (a python dict with the following items: 1 — information of molecule with the highest property score; 2 — information of molecule with the second highest property score; 3 — information of molecule with the third highest property score. The molecule information is given in the form of a tuple (SMILES string, property score).

class Rand_Gen_Evaluator[source]

Evaluator for random generation task. Metric is validity ratio, uniqueness ratio, and novelty ratio (all represented in percentage).


Run evaluation in random generation task. Compute the validity ratio, uniqueness ratio and novelty ratio of generated molecules (all represented in percentage).


input_dict (dict) – A python dict with the following items: “mols” — the list of generated molecules reprsented by rdkit Chem.RWMol or Chem.Mol objects; “train_smiles” — the list of SMILES strings used for training.

Return type

dict (a python dict with the following items: “valid_ratio” — validity percentage; “unique_ratio” — uniqueness percentage; “novel_ratio” — novelty percentage).