Source code for dig.ggraph.utils.environment

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors import qed, MolLogP
from rdkit.Chem import rdMolDescriptors
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors
from rdkit.Chem.FilterCatalog import FilterCatalogParams, FilterCatalog
import copy
import networkx as nx
from .sascorer import calculateScore
import itertools
from rdkit import DataStructs

[docs]def convert_radical_electrons_to_hydrogens(mol): """ Converts radical electrons in a molecule into bonds to hydrogens. Only use this if molecule is valid. Return a new mol object. Args: mol: Rdkit mol object :rtype: Rdkit mol object """ m = copy.deepcopy(mol) if Chem.Descriptors.NumRadicalElectrons(m) == 0: # not a radical return m else: # a radical print('converting radical electrons to H') for a in m.GetAtoms(): num_radical_e = a.GetNumRadicalElectrons() if num_radical_e > 0: a.SetNumRadicalElectrons(0) a.SetNumExplicitHs(num_radical_e) return m
[docs]def check_chemical_validity(mol): """ Checks the chemical validity of the mol object. Existing mol object is not modified. Radicals pass this test. Args: mol: Rdkit mol object :rtype: :class:`bool`, True if chemically valid, False otherwise """ s = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True) m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s) # implicitly performs sanitization if m: return True else: return False
[docs]def check_valency(mol): """ Checks that no atoms in the mol have exceeded their possible valency. Args: mol: Rdkit mol object :rtype: :class:`bool`, True if no valency issues, False otherwise """ try: s = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True) m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s) Chem.SanitizeMol(m, sanitizeOps=Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_PROPERTIES) return True except: return False
def penalized_logp(mol): """ Reward that consists of log p penalized by SA and # long cycles, as described in (Kusner et al. 2017). Scores are normalized based on the statistics of 250k_rndm_zinc_drugs_clean.smi dataset. Args: mol: Rdkit mol object :rtype: :class:`float` """ # normalization constants, statistics from 250k_rndm_zinc_drugs_clean.smi logP_mean = 2.4570953396190123 logP_std = 1.434324401111988 SA_mean = -3.0525811293166134 SA_std = 0.8335207024513095 cycle_mean = -0.0485696876403053 cycle_std = 0.2860212110245455 log_p = MolLogP(mol) SA = -calculateScore(mol) # cycle score cycle_list = nx.cycle_basis(nx.Graph( Chem.rdmolops.GetAdjacencyMatrix(mol))) if len(cycle_list) == 0: cycle_length = 0 else: cycle_length = max([len(j) for j in cycle_list]) if cycle_length <= 6: cycle_length = 0 else: cycle_length = cycle_length - 6 cycle_score = -cycle_length normalized_log_p = (log_p - logP_mean) / logP_std normalized_SA = (SA - SA_mean) / SA_std normalized_cycle = (cycle_score - cycle_mean) / cycle_std return normalized_log_p + normalized_SA + normalized_cycle
[docs]def calculate_min_plogp(mol): """ Reward that consists of log p penalized by SA and # long cycles, as described in (Kusner et al. 2017). Scores are normalized based on the statistics of 250k_rndm_zinc_drugs_clean.smi dataset. Args: mol: Rdkit mol object :rtype: :class:`float` """ p1 = penalized_logp(mol) s1 = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True) s2 = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=False) mol1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s1) mol2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s2) p2 = penalized_logp(mol1) p3 = penalized_logp(mol2) final_p = min(p1, p2) final_p = min(final_p, p3) return final_p
[docs]def steric_strain_filter(mol, cutoff=0.82, max_attempts_embed=20, max_num_iters=200): """ Flags molecules based on a steric energy cutoff after max_num_iters iterations of MMFF94 forcefield minimization. Cutoff is based on average angle bend strain energy of molecule Args: mol: Rdkit mol object cutoff (float, optional): Kcal/mol per angle . If minimized energy is above this threshold, then molecule fails the steric strain filter. (default: :obj:`0.82`) max_attempts_embed (int, optional): Number of attempts to generate initial 3d coordinates. (default: :obj:`20`) max_num_iters (int, optional): Number of iterations of forcefield minimization. (default: :obj:`200`) :rtype: :class:`bool`, True if molecule could be successfully minimized, and resulting energy is below cutoff, otherwise False. """ # check for the trivial cases of a single atom or only 2 atoms, in which # case there is no angle bend strain energy (as there are no angles!) if mol.GetNumAtoms() <= 2: return True # make copy of input mol and add hydrogens m = copy.deepcopy(mol) m_h = Chem.AddHs(m) # generate an initial 3d conformer try: flag = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m_h, maxAttempts=max_attempts_embed) if flag == -1: # print("Unable to generate 3d conformer") return False except: # to catch error caused by molecules such as C=[SH]1=C2OC21ON(N)OC(=O)NO # print("Unable to generate 3d conformer") return False # set up the forcefield AllChem.MMFFSanitizeMolecule(m_h) if AllChem.MMFFHasAllMoleculeParams(m_h): mmff_props = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(m_h) try: # to deal with molecules such as CNN1NS23(=C4C5=C2C(=C53)N4Cl)S1 ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(m_h, mmff_props) except: # print("Unable to get forcefield or sanitization error") return False else: # print("Unrecognized atom type") return False # minimize steric energy try: ff.Minimize(maxIts=max_num_iters) except: # print("Minimization error") return False # ### debug ### # min_e = ff.CalcEnergy() # print("Minimized energy: {}".format(min_e)) # ### debug ### # get the angle bend term contribution to the total molecule strain energy mmff_props.SetMMFFBondTerm(False) mmff_props.SetMMFFAngleTerm(True) mmff_props.SetMMFFStretchBendTerm(False) mmff_props.SetMMFFOopTerm(False) mmff_props.SetMMFFTorsionTerm(False) mmff_props.SetMMFFVdWTerm(False) mmff_props.SetMMFFEleTerm(False) ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(m_h, mmff_props) min_angle_e = ff.CalcEnergy() # print("Minimized angle bend energy: {}".format(min_angle_e)) # find number of angles in molecule # from molecule... This is too hacky num_atoms = m_h.GetNumAtoms() atom_indices = range(num_atoms) angle_atom_triplets = itertools.permutations(atom_indices, 3) # get all # possible 3 atom indices groups. Currently, each angle is represented by # 2 duplicate groups. Should remove duplicates here to be more efficient double_num_angles = 0 for triplet in list(angle_atom_triplets): if mmff_props.GetMMFFAngleBendParams(m_h, *triplet): double_num_angles += 1 num_angles = double_num_angles / 2 # account for duplicate angles # print("Number of angles: {}".format(num_angles)) avr_angle_e = min_angle_e / num_angles if avr_angle_e < cutoff: return True else: return False
### YES/NO filters ###
[docs]def zinc_molecule_filter(mol): """ Flags molecules based on problematic functional groups as provided set of ZINC rules from Args: mol: Rdkit mol object :rtype: :class:`bool`, returns True if molecule is okay (ie does not match any of therules), False if otherwise. """ params = FilterCatalogParams() params.AddCatalog(FilterCatalogParams.FilterCatalogs.ZINC) catalog = FilterCatalog(params) return not catalog.HasMatch(mol)
[docs]def reward_target_molecule_similarity(mol, target, radius=2, nBits=2048, useChirality=True): """ Reward for a target molecule similarity, based on tanimoto similarity between the ECFP fingerprints of the x molecule and target molecule. Args: mol: Rdkit mol object target: Rdkit mol object :rtype: :class:`float`, [0.0, 1.0] """ x = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, radius=radius, nBits=nBits, useChirality=useChirality) target = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(target, radius=radius, nBits=nBits, useChirality=useChirality) return DataStructs.TanimotoSimilarity(x, target)