Source code for dig.xgraph.method.flowx

This is an official implementation of `FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message Flows

from itertools import combinations
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import cross_entropy
from torch_geometric.utils.loop import add_self_loops, remove_self_loops

from .base_explainer import WalkBase
from ..models.utils import subgraph, gumbel_softmax

def cross_entropy_with_logit(y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_true: torch.Tensor, **kwargs):
    return cross_entropy(y_pred, y_true.long(), **kwargs)

[docs]class FlowX(WalkBase): r""" An implementation of FlowX in `FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message Flows <>`_. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The target model prepared to explain. epochs (int, optional): The training steps. lr (float, optional): The explainer training learning rate. explain_graph (bool, optional): Whether to explain graph classification model. (default: :obj:`False`) .. note:: For node classification model, the :attr:`explain_graph` flag is False. """ coeffs = { 'edge_size': 5e-4, 'edge_ent': 1e-1 } def __init__(self, model, epochs=500, lr=3e-1, explain_graph=False, molecule=False): # def __init__(self, model, epochs=500, lr=1e-1, explain_graph=False, molecule=False): super().__init__(model=model, epochs=epochs, lr=lr, explain_graph=explain_graph, molecule=molecule) self.score_structure = [(i % 2, term_idx) for i in range(1, self.num_layers + 1) for term_idx in combinations(range(self.num_layers), i) ] self.ns_iter = 30 self.ns_per_iter = None self.fidelity_plus = True self.score_lr = 0e-5 # 2e-5 # self.alpha = 0.5 self.no_mask = False if self.no_mask: self.epochs = 1 = 0 self.score_lr = 0
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, **kwargs ) -> Union[Tuple[None, List, List[Dict]], Tuple[Dict, List, List[Dict]]]: r""" Run the explainer for a specific graph instance. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The graph instance's input node features. edge_index (torch.Tensor): The graph instance's edge index. **kwargs (dict): :obj:`node_idx` (int, list, tuple, torch.Tensor): The index of node that is pending to be explained. (for node classification) :obj:`sparsity` (float): The Sparsity we need to control to transform a soft mask to a hard mask. (Default: :obj:`0.7`) :obj:`num_classes` (int): The number of task's classes. :rtype: (None, list, list) .. note:: (None, masks, related_predictions): masks is a list of edge-level explanation for each class; related_predictions is a list of dictionary for each class where each dictionary includes 4 type predicted probabilities. """ super().forward(x, edge_index, **kwargs) # Explanation initial process self.model.eval() # Initial original prediction self.ori_logits_pred = self.model(x, edge_index).softmax(1) # print(f'#I#pred label: {torch.argmax(self.ori_logits_pred)}') # Edge Index with self loop edge_index, _ = remove_self_loops(edge_index) edge_index_with_loop, _ = add_self_loops(edge_index, num_nodes=self.num_nodes) walk_indices_list = torch.tensor( self.walks_pick(edge_index_with_loop.cpu(), list(range(edge_index_with_loop.shape[1])), num_layers=self.num_layers), device=self.device) if not self.explain_graph: node_idx = kwargs.get('node_idx') self.node_idx = node_idx assert node_idx is not None _, _, _, self.hard_edge_mask = subgraph( node_idx, self.__num_hops__, edge_index_with_loop, relabel_nodes=True, num_nodes=None, flow=self.__flow__()) # walk indices list mask edge2node_idx = edge_index_with_loop[1] == node_idx walk_indices_list_mask = edge2node_idx[walk_indices_list[:, -1]] walk_indices_list = walk_indices_list[walk_indices_list_mask] import time start = time.time() self.time_list = [] labels = tuple(i for i in range(kwargs.get('num_classes'))) ex_labels = tuple(torch.tensor([label]).to(self.device) for label in labels) # Connect mask with self.connect_mask(self): iter_weighted_change_walks_list, iter_changed_subsets_score_list, walk_sample_count = \ self.flow_shap(x, edge_index, edge_index_with_loop, walk_indices_list, **kwargs) walk_score_list = [] for ex_label in ex_labels: # --- training --- self.train_mask(x, edge_index, ex_label, walk_indices_list, edge_index_with_loop, iter_weighted_change_walks_list, iter_changed_subsets_score_list, walk_sample_count) walk_score_list.append( walks = {'ids': walk_indices_list, 'score':, dim=1)} # print(f'Walk scores summation: {, dim=0).sum(0)}') # print(f'#D#WalkScore total time: {time.time() - start}\n' # f'predict time: {sum(self.time_list)}') # specify to edge with self-loop mask prediction labels = tuple(i for i in range(kwargs.get('num_classes'))) ex_labels = tuple(torch.tensor([label]).to(self.device) for label in labels) start = time.time() masks = [] for ex_label in ex_labels: edge_attr = self.explain_edges_with_loop(x, walks, ex_label) mask = edge_attr mask = self.control_sparsity(mask, kwargs.get('sparsity')).sigmoid() masks.append(mask.detach()) # print(f'#D#Edge mask predict total time: {time.time() - start}') # Connect mask with self.connect_mask(self): related_preds = self.eval_related_pred(x, edge_index, masks, **kwargs) return walks, masks, related_preds
def __loss__(self, raw_preds, x_label): if self.explain_graph: loss = cross_entropy_with_logit(raw_preds, x_label) else: loss = cross_entropy_with_logit(raw_preds[self.node_idx].unsqueeze(0), x_label) if self.fidelity_plus: loss = - loss # Option 2: make it hard: higher std, and closer to Sparsity # loss = loss - 10 * torch.square(self.mask - 0.5).mean() # loss = loss + 1e-3 * torch.square(self.mask.sum() - self.mask.shape[0] * (1 - x_args.sparsity)) # m = self.nec_suf_mask.sigmoid() # loss = loss + self.coeffs['edge_size'] * m.sum() # ent = -m * torch.log(m + EPS) - (1 - m) * torch.log(1 - m + EPS) # loss = loss + self.coeffs['edge_ent'] * ent.mean() return loss def train_mask(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, ex_label: Tensor, walk_indices_list, edge_index_with_loop, iter_weighted_change_walks_list, iter_changed_subsets_score_list, walk_sample_count, t0=7., t1=0.5, **kwargs ) -> None: # initialize a mask self.nec_suf_mask = nn.Parameter( 1e-1 * nn.init.uniform_(torch.empty((1, iter_weighted_change_walks_list.shape[1], 1), device=self.device))) if self.no_mask: self.nec_suf_mask = nn.Parameter( 100 * torch.ones((1, iter_weighted_change_walks_list.shape[1], 1), device=self.device)) self.iter_weighted_change_walks_list = nn.Parameter(iter_weighted_change_walks_list.clone().detach()) # --- Training --- walk_plain_indices_list = walk_indices_list + \ (edge_index_with_loop.shape[1] * torch.arange(self.num_layers, device=self.device)).repeat( walk_indices_list.shape[0], 1) self.flow2layeredge_matrix = torch.stack([(walk_plain_indices_list == i).float().sum(dim=1) for i in range(self.num_layers * (self.num_edges + self.num_nodes))], dim=1).detach() # train to get the mask optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': self.nec_suf_mask}], # {'params': self.iter_weighted_change_walks_list, 'lr': self.score_lr}], # print('#I#begin this ex_label') for epoch in range(1, self.epochs + 1): masked_iter_weighted_change_walks_list = self.iter_weighted_change_walks_list * self.nec_suf_mask.sigmoid() walk_scores = (masked_iter_weighted_change_walks_list.unsqueeze(3).repeat(1, 1, 1, iter_changed_subsets_score_list.shape[ 2]) * iter_changed_subsets_score_list.unsqueeze( 2)).sum(1).sum(0) # EPS will affect the stability of training EPS = 1e-18 shap_flow_score = (walk_scores / (walk_sample_count.unsqueeze(1) + EPS)) # --- score/mask transformer --- self.flow_mask = shap_flow_score[:, ex_label] # --- setting layer edge masks --- self.layer_edge_mask = (self.flow_mask * self.flow2layeredge_matrix).view(self.flow_mask.shape[0], self.num_layers, -1).sum(0) mask = self.layer_edge_mask.sum(0) mask = mask - mask.min() mask = mask / (mask.max() + EPS) climb = True if climb: # pass mask = mask ** 8 else: end_epoch = 300 temperature = float(t0 * ((t1 / t0) ** (epoch / end_epoch))) if epoch < end_epoch else t1 mask = gumbel_softmax(mask, temperature, training=True) mask = mask - mask.min() mask = mask / (mask.max() + EPS) cur_sparsity = (mask < 0.5).sum().float() / mask.shape[0] # if cur_sparsity < x_args.sparsity: # # --- early stop --- # break # if epoch % 20 == 0: # print(f'Epoch: {epoch} --- training mask Sparsity: {cur_sparsity}') if self.fidelity_plus: mask = 1 - mask # Fidelity + self.mask = mask # isig_mask = torch.log(self.mask / (1 - self.mask + EPS) + EPS) # --- temp update non-leaf edge_mask temp_edge_mask = [] for layer_idx in range(self.num_layers): # --- Attention self-loop will be put at last because of the model will do it --- temp_edge_mask.append(mask) # debug: with self.temp_mask(self, temp_edge_mask): raw_preds = self.model(x, edge_index, **kwargs) loss = self.__loss__(raw_preds, ex_label) # if epoch % 20 == 0: # print(f'#D#Loss:{loss.item()}') optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() return
[docs] def flow_shap(self, x, edge_index, edge_index_with_loop, walk_indices_list, **kwargs ): r""" Flow shapley calculations. """ # --- Kernel algorithm --- # --- row: walk index, column: total score walk_sample_count = torch.zeros(walk_indices_list.shape[0], dtype=torch.float, device=self.device) # General setting iter_weighted_change_walks_list = [] iter_changed_subsets_score_list = [] # Random sample ns_iter * ns_per_iter times for iter_idx in range(self.ns_iter): # --- random index --- unmask_pool =[walk_indices_list[:, layer].unique() + layer * edge_index_with_loop.shape[1] for layer in range(self.num_layers)]) self.ns_per_iter = unmask_pool.shape[0] if self.explain_graph or unmask_pool.shape[ 0] <= 100 else 100 idx = torch.randperm(unmask_pool.nelement()) unmask_pool = unmask_pool.view(-1)[idx].view(unmask_pool.size()) mask_per_sub = unmask_pool.shape[0] // self.ns_per_iter weighted_change_walks_list = [] last_eliminated_walks = torch.zeros(walk_indices_list.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device) layer_edge_mask_list = [] for sub_idx in range(self.ns_per_iter): # --- sub random index --- mask_pool = unmask_pool[: mask_per_sub * (sub_idx + 1)] # --- obtain changed walk idx --- eliminated_layer_edges = unmask_pool[mask_per_sub * sub_idx: mask_per_sub * (sub_idx + 1)] walk_plain_indices_list = walk_indices_list + \ (edge_index_with_loop.shape[1] * torch.arange(self.num_layers, device=self.device)).repeat( walk_indices_list.shape[0], 1) eliminated_walks = torch.stack([walk_plain_indices_list == edge for edge in eliminated_layer_edges], dim=0).long().sum(0).sum(1).bool().long() weighted_changed_walks = eliminated_walks.clone().float() weighted_changed_walks[eliminated_walks == last_eliminated_walks] = 0. weighted_changed_walks /= (weighted_changed_walks > 1e-20).sum() + 1e-30 weighted_change_walks_list.append(weighted_changed_walks) last_eliminated_walks = eliminated_walks # --- setting a subset mask --- layer_edge_masks = torch.ones((self.num_layers, edge_index_with_loop.shape[1]), device=self.device) layer_edge_masks.view(-1)[mask_pool] -= 2 layer_edge_mask_list.append(layer_edge_masks) weighted_change_walks_list = torch.stack(weighted_change_walks_list, dim=0) iter_weighted_change_walks_list.append(weighted_change_walks_list.detach()) layer_edge_mask_list = torch.stack(layer_edge_mask_list, dim=0) * float('inf') # --- compute subsets' outputs of current iteration --- for layer_idx in range(self.num_layers): # --- Attention self-loop will be put at last because of the model will do it --- self.edge_mask[layer_idx].data = [layer_edge_mask_list[:, layer_idx, :self.num_edges].reshape(-1), layer_edge_mask_list[:, layer_idx, self.num_edges:].reshape(-1)]).sigmoid() batch = self.batch_input(x, edge_index, self.ns_per_iter) subsets_output = self.model(data=batch).softmax(1).detach() if not self.explain_graph: subsets_output = subsets_output.view(self.ns_per_iter, -1, kwargs.get('num_classes'))[:, self.node_idx] last_subsets_output = [self.ori_logits_pred[self.node_idx].unsqueeze(0), subsets_output.clone()[:-1]], dim=0) else: last_subsets_output =[self.ori_logits_pred, subsets_output.clone()[:-1]], dim=0) changed_subsets_score_list = (last_subsets_output - subsets_output).detach() iter_changed_subsets_score_list.append(changed_subsets_score_list) walk_sample_count += (weighted_change_walks_list > 1e-30).float().sum(0) # iter x subset_idx x flow_idx iter_weighted_change_walks_list = torch.stack(iter_weighted_change_walks_list, dim=0) iter_changed_subsets_score_list = torch.stack(iter_changed_subsets_score_list, dim=0) return iter_weighted_change_walks_list, iter_changed_subsets_score_list, walk_sample_count