Source code for dig.ggraph3D.utils.eval_validity_utils

from rdkit import Chem
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import collections
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import copy
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

global atomic_valence
global atomic_valence_electrons

atomic_valence = defaultdict(list)
atomic_valence[1] = [1]
atomic_valence[6] = [4]
atomic_valence[7] = [3]
atomic_valence[8] = [2]
atomic_valence[9] = [1]

atomic_valid_bond = defaultdict(list)
atomic_valid_bond[(1, 6)] = 1.1284
atomic_valid_bond[(1, 7)] = 1.0478
atomic_valid_bond[(1, 8)] = 1.0187
atomic_valid_bond[(6, 6)] = 1.7721
atomic_valid_bond[(6, 7)] = 1.7876
atomic_valid_bond[(6, 8)] = 1.5731
atomic_valid_bond[(6, 9)] = 1.3620
atomic_valid_bond[(7, 7)] = 1.4208
atomic_valid_bond[(7, 8)] = 1.7692

def get_AC(mol, xyz):

    Generate adjacent matrix from atoms and coordinates.

    AC is a (num_atoms, num_atoms) matrix with 1 being covalent bond and 0 is not

    covalent_factor - 1.3 is an arbitrary factor

        mol - rdkit molobj with 3D conformer

        covalent_factor - increase covalent bond length threshold with facto

        AC - adjacent matrix


    # Calculate distance matrix
    # dMat = rdkit.Chem.Get3DDistanceMatrix(mol)
    dMat = distance_matrix(xyz, xyz)
    num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms()
    AC = np.zeros((num_atoms, num_atoms), dtype=int)

    for i in range(1, num_atoms):
        a_i = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetAtomicNum()
        for j in range(i):
            a_j = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(j).GetAtomicNum()
            if (min(a_i, a_j), max(a_i, a_j)) in atomic_valid_bond:
                threshold = atomic_valid_bond[(min(a_i, a_j), max(a_i, a_j))]
                if dMat[i, j] <= threshold and AC[j].sum() < max(atomic_valence[a_j]):
                    AC[i, j] = 1
                    AC[j, i] = 1

    return AC

def get_proto_mol(atoms):
    mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts("[#" + str(atoms[0]) + "]")
    rwMol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
    for i in range(1, len(atoms)):
        a = Chem.Atom(int(atoms[i]))

    mol = rwMol.GetMol()

    return mol

def xyz2AC_vdW(atoms, xyz):

    # Get mol template
    mol = get_proto_mol(atoms)
    # Set coordinates
    conf = Chem.Conformer(mol.GetNumAtoms())
    for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms()):
        conf.SetAtomPosition(i, (float(xyz[i][0]), float(xyz[i][1]), float(xyz[i][2])))
    AC = get_AC(mol, xyz)

    return AC

def get_bonds(UA, AC):

    bonds = []

    for k, i in enumerate(UA):
        for j in UA[k + 1:]:
            if AC[i, j] == 1:
                bonds.append(tuple(sorted([i, j])))

    return bonds

def get_UA_pairs(UA, AC, use_graph=True):


    bonds = get_bonds(UA, AC)

    if len(bonds) == 0:
        return [()]

    if use_graph:
        G = nx.Graph()
        UA_pairs = [list(nx.max_weight_matching(G))]
        return UA_pairs

    max_atoms_in_combo = 0
    UA_pairs = [()]
    for combo in list(itertools.combinations(bonds, int(len(UA) / 2))):
        flat_list = [item for sublist in combo for item in sublist]
        atoms_in_combo = len(set(flat_list))
        if atoms_in_combo > max_atoms_in_combo:
            max_atoms_in_combo = atoms_in_combo
            UA_pairs = [combo]

        elif atoms_in_combo == max_atoms_in_combo:

    return UA_pairs

def get_UA(maxValence_list, valence_list):
    UA = []
    DU = []
    for i, (maxValence, valence) in enumerate(zip(maxValence_list, valence_list)):
        if not maxValence - valence > 0:
        DU.append(maxValence - valence)
    return UA, DU

def get_BO(AC, UA, DU, valences, UA_pairs, use_graph=True):
    BO = AC.copy()
    DU_save = []

    while DU_save != DU:
        for i, j in UA_pairs:
            BO[i, j] += 1
            BO[j, i] += 1

        BO_valence = list(BO.sum(axis=1))
        DU_save = copy.copy(DU)
        UA, DU = get_UA(valences, BO_valence)
        UA_pairs = get_UA_pairs(UA, AC, use_graph=use_graph)[0]

    return BO

def valences_not_too_large(BO, valences):
    number_of_bonds_list = BO.sum(axis=1)
    for valence, number_of_bonds in zip(valences, number_of_bonds_list):
        if number_of_bonds > valence:
            return False

    return True

def BO_is_OK(BO, AC, DU, valences):
    Sanity of bond-orders

        BO -
        AC -
        charge -
        DU - 

        allow_charges_fragments - 

        boolean - true of molecule is OK, false if not

    if not valences_not_too_large(BO, valences):
        return False

    check_sum = (BO - AC).sum() == sum(DU)

    if check_sum: 
        return True

    return False

def check_connected(AC):
    seen, queue = {0}, collections.deque([0])
    while queue:
        vertex = queue.popleft()
        for node in np.argwhere(AC[vertex] > 0).flatten():
            if node not in seen:
    # if the seen nodes do not include all nodes, there are disconnected
    #  parts and the molecule is invalid
    if seen != {*range(len(AC))}:
        return False
    return True

def AC2BO(AC, atoms, use_graph=True):

    implemenation of algorithm shown in Figure 2

    UA: unsaturated atoms

    DU: degree of unsaturation (u matrix in Figure)

    best_BO: Bcurr in Figure

    if not check_connected(AC):
        return AC, 0

    global atomic_valence

    # make a list of valences, e.g. for CO: [[4],[2,1]]
    valences_list_of_lists = []
    AC_valence = list(AC.sum(axis=1))
    for _,(atomicNum,valence) in enumerate(zip(atoms,AC_valence)):
        # valence can't be smaller than number of neighbourgs
        possible_valence = [x for x in atomic_valence[atomicNum] if x >= valence]
        if not possible_valence:
            return AC, 0

    # convert [[4],[2,1]] to [[4,2],[4,1]]
    valences_list = itertools.product(*valences_list_of_lists)

    best_BO = AC.copy()

    for valences in valences_list:

        UA, DU_from_AC = get_UA(valences, AC_valence)

        check_len = (len(UA) == 0)
        if check_len:
            check_bo = BO_is_OK(AC, AC, DU_from_AC, valences)
            check_bo = None

        if check_len and check_bo:
            return AC, 1

        UA_pairs_list = get_UA_pairs(UA, AC, use_graph=use_graph)
        for UA_pairs in UA_pairs_list:
            BO = get_BO(AC, UA, DU_from_AC, valences, UA_pairs, use_graph=use_graph)
            status = BO_is_OK(BO, AC, DU_from_AC, valences)

            if status:
                return BO, 1
            elif BO.sum() >= best_BO.sum() and valences_not_too_large(BO, valences):
                best_BO = BO.copy()

    return best_BO, 1

def BO2mol(mol, BO_matrix, atoms):
    based on code written by Paolo Toscani

    From bond order, atoms, valence structure and total charge, generate an
    rdkit molecule.

        mol - rdkit molecule
        BO_matrix - bond order matrix of molecule
        atoms - list of integer atomic symbols
        atomic_valence_electrons -
        mol_charge - total charge of molecule

        allow_charged_fragments - bool - allow charged fragments

        mol - updated rdkit molecule with bond connectivity


    l = len(BO_matrix)
    l2 = len(atoms)

    if (l != l2):
        raise RuntimeError('sizes of adjMat ({0:d}) and Atoms {1:d} differ'.format(l, l2))

    rwMol = Chem.RWMol(mol)

    bondTypeDict = {
        1: Chem.BondType.SINGLE,
        2: Chem.BondType.DOUBLE,
        3: Chem.BondType.TRIPLE

    for i in range(l):
        for j in range(i + 1, l):
            bo = int(round(BO_matrix[i, j]))
            if (bo == 0):
            bt = bondTypeDict.get(bo, Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
            rwMol.AddBond(i, j, bt)

    mol = rwMol.GetMol()

    return mol

def check_chemical_validity(mol):
    Checks the chemical validity of the mol object. Existing mol object is
    not modified. Radicals pass this test.

        mol: Rdkit mol object
        :class:`bool`, True if chemically valid, False otherwise

    s = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True)
    m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s)  # implicitly performs sanitization
    if m:
        return True
        return False

def check_valency(mol):
    Checks that no atoms in the mol have exceeded their possible

        mol: Rdkit mol object

        :class:`bool`, True if no valency issues, False otherwise

        s = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=True)
        m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s)
        Chem.SanitizeMol(m, sanitizeOps=Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_PROPERTIES)
        return True
        return False

[docs]def xyz2mol(atoms, coordinates, use_graph=True): """ Convert the given molecular geometry to a 2D molecular graph and check if it is chemically valid through valency check with the algorithm in `this paper <>`_. Args: atoms (numpy array): the numpy array indicating the atomic number of atoms in the molecular geometry. coordinates (numpy array): the numpy array indicating the coordinates of atoms in the molecular geometry. use_graph (bool): whether use networkx to compute the maximum-weighted matching of the graph or not. (default: :obj:`True`) :rtype: BO: bond order matrix. valid: a bool value denoting whether the molecular geometry is valid or not. """ # Get atom connectivity (AC) matrix, list of atomic numbers, molecular charge, # and mol object with no connectivity information AC = xyz2AC_vdW(atoms, coordinates) # Convert AC to bond order matrix and add connectivity and charge info to # mol object BO, valid = AC2BO(AC, atoms, use_graph) return BO, valid