Source code for dig.fairgraph.method.Graphair.graphair

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
from dig.fairgraph.utils.utils import scipysp_to_pytorchsp,accuracy,fair_metric

[docs]class graphair(nn.Module): r''' This class implements the Graphair model :param aug_model: The augmentation model g described in the `paper <>`_ used for automated graph augmentations :type aug_model: :obj:`torch.nn.Module` :param f_encoder: The represnetation encoder f described in the `paper <>`_ used for contrastive learning :type f_encoder: :obj:`torch.nn.Module` :param sens_model: The adversary model k described in the `paper <>`_ used for adversarial learning :type sens_model: :obj:`torch.nn.Module` :param classifier_model: The classifier used to predict the sensitive label of nodes on the augmented graph data. :type classifier_model: :obj:`torch.nn.Module` :param lr: Learning rate for aug_model, f_encoder and sens_model. Defaults to 1e-4 :type lr: float,optional :param weight_decay: Weight decay for regularization. Defaults to 1e-5 :type weight_decay: float,optional :param alpha: The hyperparameter alpha used in the `paper <>`_ to scale adversarial loss component. Defaults to 20.0 :type alpha: float,optional :param beta: The hyperparameter beta used in the `paper <>`_ to scale contrastive loss component. Defaults to 0.9 :type beta: float,optional :param gamma: The hyperparameter gamma used in the `paper <>`_ to scale reconstruction loss component. Defaults to 0.7 :type gamma: float,optional :param lam: The hyperparameter lambda used in the `paper <>`_ to compute reconstruction loss component. Defaults to 1.0 :type lam: float,optional :param dataset: The name of the dataset being used. Used only for the model's output path. Defaults to 'POKEC' :type dataset: str,optional :param num_hidden: The input dimension for the MLP networks used in the model. Defaults to 64 :type num_hidden: int,optional :param num_proj_hidden: The output dimension for the MLP networks used in the model. Defaults to 64 :type num_proj_hidden: int,optional ''' def __init__(self, aug_model, f_encoder, sens_model, classifier_model, lr = 1e-4, weight_decay = 1e-5, alpha = 20, beta = 0.9, gamma = 0.7, lam = 1, dataset = 'POKEC', num_hidden = 64, num_proj_hidden = 64): super(graphair, self).__init__() self.aug_model = aug_model self.f_encoder = f_encoder self.sens_model = sens_model self.classifier = classifier_model self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma self.dataset = dataset self.lam = lam self.criterion_sens = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() self.criterion_cont= nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.criterion_recons = nn.MSELoss() self.optimizer_s = torch.optim.Adam(self.sens_model.parameters(), lr = 1e-4, weight_decay = 1e-5) FG_params = [{'params': self.aug_model.parameters(), 'lr': 1e-4} , {'params':self.f_encoder.parameters()}] self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(FG_params, lr = lr, weight_decay = weight_decay) self.optimizer_aug = torch.optim.Adam(self.aug_model.parameters(), lr = 1e-3, weight_decay = weight_decay) self.optimizer_enc = torch.optim.Adam(self.f_encoder.parameters(), lr = lr, weight_decay = weight_decay) self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_proj_hidden) self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(num_proj_hidden, num_hidden) self.optimizer_classifier = torch.optim.Adam(self.classifier.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) def projection(self, z): z = F.elu(self.fc1(z)) return self.fc2(z) def info_nce_loss_2views(self, features): batch_size = int(features.shape[0] / 2) labels =[torch.arange(batch_size) for i in range(2)], dim=0) labels = (labels.unsqueeze(0) == labels.unsqueeze(1)).float() labels = labels.cuda() features = F.normalize(features, dim=1) similarity_matrix = torch.matmul(features, features.T) # discard the main diagonal from both: labels and similarities matrix mask = torch.eye(labels.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool).cuda() labels = labels[~mask].view(labels.shape[0], -1) similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix[~mask].view(similarity_matrix.shape[0], -1) positives = similarity_matrix[labels.bool()].view(labels.shape[0], -1) negatives = similarity_matrix[~labels.bool()].view(similarity_matrix.shape[0], -1) logits =[positives, negatives], dim=1) labels = torch.zeros(logits.shape[0], dtype=torch.long).cuda() temperature = 0.07 logits = logits / temperature return logits, labels def forward(self, adj, x): assert sp.issparse(adj) if not isinstance(adj, sp.coo_matrix): adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) adj.setdiag(1) degrees = np.array(adj.sum(1)) degree_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(np.power(degrees, -0.5).flatten()) adj_norm = degree_mat_inv_sqrt @ adj @ degree_mat_inv_sqrt adj_norm = scipysp_to_pytorchsp(adj_norm) adj = adj_norm.cuda() return self.f_encoder(adj,x) def fit_whole(self, epochs, adj, x,sens,idx_sens,warmup=None, adv_epoches=1): assert sp.issparse(adj) if not isinstance(adj, sp.coo_matrix): adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) adj.setdiag(1) adj_orig = scipysp_to_pytorchsp(adj).to_dense() norm_w = adj_orig.shape[0]**2 / float((adj_orig.shape[0]**2 - adj_orig.sum()) * 2) degrees = np.array(adj.sum(1)) degree_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(np.power(degrees, -0.5).flatten()) adj_norm = degree_mat_inv_sqrt @ adj @ degree_mat_inv_sqrt adj_norm = scipysp_to_pytorchsp(adj_norm) adj = adj_norm.cuda() best_contras = float("inf") if warmup: for _ in range(warmup): adj_aug, x_aug, adj_logits = self.aug_model(adj, x, adj_orig = adj_orig.cuda()) edge_loss = norm_w * F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(adj_logits, adj_orig.cuda()) feat_loss = self.criterion_recons(x_aug, x) recons_loss = edge_loss + self.beta * feat_loss self.optimizer_aug.zero_grad() with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True): recons_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) self.optimizer_aug.step() print( 'edge reconstruction loss: {:.4f}'.format(edge_loss.item()), 'feature reconstruction loss: {:.4f}'.format(feat_loss.item()), ) for epoch_counter in range(epochs): ### generate fair view adj_aug, x_aug, adj_logits = self.aug_model(adj, x, adj_orig = adj_orig.cuda()) ### extract node representations h = self.projection(self.f_encoder(adj, x)) h_prime = self.projection(self.f_encoder(adj_aug, x_aug)) # print("encoder done") ## update sens model adj_aug_nograd = adj_aug.detach() x_aug_nograd = x_aug.detach() if (epoch_counter == 0): sens_epoches = adv_epoches * 10 else: sens_epoches = adv_epoches for _ in range(sens_epoches): s_pred , _ = self.sens_model(adj_aug_nograd, x_aug_nograd) senloss = self.criterion_sens(s_pred[idx_sens],sens[idx_sens].unsqueeze(1).float()) self.optimizer_s.zero_grad() senloss.backward() self.optimizer_s.step() s_pred , _ = self.sens_model(adj_aug, x_aug) senloss = self.criterion_sens(s_pred[idx_sens],sens[idx_sens].unsqueeze(1).float()) ## update aug model logits, labels = self.info_nce_loss_2views(, h_prime), dim = 0)) contrastive_loss = self.criterion_cont(logits, labels) ## update encoder edge_loss = norm_w * F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(adj_logits, adj_orig.cuda()) feat_loss = self.criterion_recons(x_aug, x) recons_loss = edge_loss + self.lam * feat_loss loss = self.beta * contrastive_loss + self.gamma * recons_loss - self.alpha * senloss self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch_counter+1), 'sens loss: {:.4f}'.format(senloss.item()), 'contrastive loss: {:.4f}'.format(contrastive_loss.item()), 'edge reconstruction loss: {:.4f}'.format(edge_loss.item()), 'feature reconstruction loss: {:.4f}'.format(feat_loss.item()), ) self.save_path = "./checkpoint/graphair_{}_alpha{}_beta{}_gamma{}_lambda{}".format(self.dataset, self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma, self.lam),self.save_path) def test(self,adj,features,labels,epochs,idx_train,idx_val,idx_test,sens): h = self.forward(adj,features) h = h.detach() acc_list = [] dp_list = [] eo_list = [] for i in range(5): torch.manual_seed(i *10) np.random.seed(i *10) # train classifier best_acc = 0.0 best_test = 0.0 for epoch in range(epochs): self.classifier.train() self.optimizer_classifier.zero_grad() output = self.classifier(h) loss_train = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train].unsqueeze(1).float()) acc_train = accuracy(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) loss_train.backward() self.optimizer_classifier.step() self.classifier.eval() output = self.classifier(h) acc_val = accuracy(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val]) acc_test = accuracy(output[idx_test], labels[idx_test]) parity_val, equality_val = fair_metric(output,idx_val, labels, sens) parity_test, equality_test = fair_metric(output,idx_test, labels, sens) if epoch%10==0: print("Epoch [{}] Test set results:".format(epoch), "acc_test= {:.4f}".format(acc_test.item()), "acc_val: {:.4f}".format(acc_val.item()), "dp_val: {:.4f}".format(parity_val), "dp_test: {:.4f}".format(parity_test), "eo_val: {:.4f}".format(equality_val), "eo_test: {:.4f}".format(equality_test), ) if acc_val > best_acc: best_acc = acc_val best_test = acc_test best_dp = parity_val best_dp_test = parity_test best_eo = equality_val best_eo_test = equality_test print("Optimization Finished!") print("Test results:", "acc_test= {:.4f}".format(best_test.item()), "acc_val: {:.4f}".format(best_acc.item()), "dp_val: {:.4f}".format(best_dp), "dp_test: {:.4f}".format(best_dp_test), "eo_val: {:.4f}".format(best_eo), "eo_test: {:.4f}".format(best_eo_test),) acc_list.append(best_test.item()) dp_list.append(best_dp_test) eo_list.append(best_eo_test) print("Avg results:", "acc: {:.4f} std: {:.4f}".format(np.mean(acc_list), np.std(acc_list)), "dp: {:.4f} std: {:.4f}".format(np.mean(dp_list), np.std(dp_list)), "eo: {:.4f} std: {:.4f}".format(np.mean(eo_list), np.std(eo_list)),)