Source code for dig.sslgraph.method.contrastive.views_fn.feature

import random
import torch
import numpy as np
from import Batch, Data

[docs]class NodeAttrMask(): '''Node attribute masking on the given graph or batched graphs. Class objects callable via method :meth:`views_fn`. Args: mode (string, optinal): Masking mode with three options: :obj:`"whole"`: mask all feature dimensions of the selected node with a Gaussian distribution; :obj:`"partial"`: mask only selected feature dimensions with a Gaussian distribution; :obj:`"onehot"`: mask all feature dimensions of the selected node with a one-hot vector. (default: :obj:`"whole"`) mask_ratio (float, optinal): The ratio of node attributes to be masked. (default: :obj:`0.1`) mask_mean (float, optional): Mean of the Gaussian distribution to generate masking values. (default: :obj:`0.5`) mask_std (float, optional): Standard deviation of the distribution to generate masking values. Must be non-negative. (default: :obj:`0.5`) ''' def __init__(self, mode='whole', mask_ratio=0.1, mask_mean=0.5, mask_std=0.5, return_mask=False): self.mode = mode self.mask_ratio = mask_ratio self.mask_mean = mask_mean self.mask_std = mask_std self.return_mask = return_mask
[docs] def __call__(self, data): return self.views_fn(data)
def do_trans(self, data): node_num, feat_dim = data.x.size() x = data.x.detach().clone() if self.mode == 'whole': mask = torch.zeros(node_num) mask_num = int(node_num * self.mask_ratio) idx_mask = torch.randperm(x.size(0), device=x.device)[:mask_num] if self.mask_std > 0: x[idx_mask] = torch.empty((mask_num, feat_dim), dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device).normal_(mean=self.mask_mean,std=self.mask_std) else: x[idx_mask] = self.mask_mean mask[idx_mask] = 1 elif self.mode == 'partial': mask = torch.zeros((node_num, feat_dim)) for i in range(node_num): for j in range(feat_dim): if random.random() < self.mask_ratio: x[i][j] = torch.tensor(np.random.normal(loc=self.mask_mean, scale=self.mask_std), dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device) mask[i][j] = 1 elif self.mode == 'onehot': mask = torch.zeros(node_num) mask_num = int(node_num * self.mask_ratio) idx_mask = torch.randperm(x.size(0), device=x.device)[:mask_num] x[idx_mask] = torch.eye(feat_dim, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device )[torch.randint(0, feat_dim, size=(mask_num), device=x.device)] mask[idx_mask] = 1 else: raise Exception("Masking mode option '{0:s}' is not available!".format(mode)) if self.return_mask: return Data(x=x, edge_index=data.edge_index, mask=mask) else: return Data(x=x, edge_index=data.edge_index)
[docs] def views_fn(self, data): r"""Method to be called when :class:`NodeAttrMask` object is called. Args: data (:class:``): The input graph or batched graphs. :rtype: :class:``. """ if isinstance(data, Batch): dlist = [self.do_trans(d) for d in data.to_data_list()] return Batch.from_data_list(dlist) elif isinstance(data, Data): return self.do_trans(data)