Source code for dig.ggraph.method.GraphEBM.graphebm

import time
import os
import copy

import torch
from torch.optim import Adam
from tqdm import tqdm
from rdkit import Chem

from dig.ggraph.method import Generator
from dig.ggraph.utils import gen_mol_from_one_shot_tensor
from dig.ggraph.utils import qed, calculate_min_plogp, reward_target_molecule_similarity
from .energy_func import EnergyFunc
from .util import rescale_adj, requires_grad, clip_grad

[docs]class GraphEBM(Generator): r""" The method class for GraphEBM algorithm proposed in the paper `GraphEBM: Molecular Graph Generation with Energy-Based Models <>`_. This class provides interfaces for running random generation, goal-directed generation (including property optimization and constrained optimization), and compositional generation with GraphEBM algorithm. Please refer to the `benchmark codes <>`_ for usage examples. Args: n_atom (int): Maximum number of atoms. n_atom_type (int): Number of possible atom types. n_edge_type (int): Number of possible bond types. hidden (int): Hidden dimensions. device (torch.device, optional): The device where the model is deployed. """ def __init__(self, n_atom, n_atom_type, n_edge_type, hidden, device=None): super(GraphEBM, self).__init__() if device is None: self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') else: self.device = device self.energy_function = EnergyFunc(n_atom_type, hidden, n_edge_type).to(self.device) self.n_atom = n_atom self.n_atom_type = n_atom_type self.n_edge_type = n_edge_type
[docs] def train_rand_gen(self, loader, lr, wd, max_epochs, c, ld_step, ld_noise, ld_step_size, clamp, alpha, save_interval, save_dir): r""" Running training for random generation task. Args: loader: The data loader for loading training samples. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.QM9/ZINC250k as the dataset class, and apply to it to form the data loader. lr (float): The learning rate for training. wd (float): The weight decay factor for training. max_epochs (int): The maximum number of training epochs. c (float): The scaling hyperparameter for dequantization. ld_step (int): The number of iteration steps of Langevin dynamics. ld_noise (float): The standard deviation of the added noise in Langevin dynamics. ld_step_size (int): The step size of Langevin dynamics. clamp (bool): Whether to use gradient clamp in Langevin dynamics. alpha (float): The weight coefficient for loss function. save_interval (int): The frequency to save the model parameters to .pt files, *e.g.*, if save_interval=2, the model parameters will be saved for every 2 training epochs. save_dir (str): the directory to save the model parameters. """ parameters = self.energy_function.parameters() optimizer = Adam(parameters, lr=lr, betas=(0.0, 0.999), weight_decay=wd) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) for epoch in range(max_epochs): t_start = time.time() losses_reg = [] losses_en = [] losses = [] for _, batch in enumerate(tqdm(loader)): ### Dequantization pos_x = pos_x += c * torch.rand_like(pos_x, device=self.device) pos_adj = pos_adj += c * torch.rand_like(pos_adj, device=self.device) ### Langevin dynamics neg_x = torch.rand_like(pos_x, device=self.device) * (1 + c) neg_adj = torch.rand_like(pos_adj, device=self.device) pos_adj = rescale_adj(pos_adj) neg_x.requires_grad = True neg_adj.requires_grad = True requires_grad(parameters, False) self.energy_function.eval() noise_x = torch.randn_like(neg_x, device=self.device) noise_adj = torch.randn_like(neg_adj, device=self.device) for _ in range(ld_step): noise_x.normal_(0, ld_noise) noise_adj.normal_(0, ld_noise) neg_out = self.energy_function(neg_adj, neg_x) neg_out.sum().backward() if clamp:, 0.01), 0.01), alpha=ld_step_size), alpha=ld_step_size) neg_x.grad.detach_() neg_x.grad.zero_() neg_adj.grad.detach_() neg_adj.grad.zero_(), 1 + c), 1) ### Training by backprop neg_x = neg_x.detach() neg_adj = neg_adj.detach() requires_grad(parameters, True) self.energy_function.train() self.energy_function.zero_grad() pos_out = self.energy_function(pos_adj, pos_x) neg_out = self.energy_function(neg_adj, neg_x) loss_reg = (pos_out ** 2 + neg_out ** 2) # energy magnitudes regularizer loss_en = pos_out - neg_out # loss for shaping energy function loss = loss_en + alpha * loss_reg loss = loss.mean() loss.backward() clip_grad(optimizer) optimizer.step() losses_reg.append(loss_reg.mean()) losses_en.append(loss_en.mean()) losses.append(loss) t_end = time.time() ### Save checkpoints if (epoch+1) % save_interval == 0:, os.path.join(save_dir, 'epoch_{}.pt'.format(epoch + 1))) print('Saving checkpoint at epoch ', epoch+1) print('==========================================') print('Epoch: {:03d}, Loss: {:.6f}, Energy Loss: {:.6f}, Regularizer Loss: {:.6f}, Sec/Epoch: {:.2f}'.format(epoch+1, (sum(losses)/len(losses)).item(), (sum(losses_en)/len(losses_en)).item(), (sum(losses_reg)/len(losses_reg)).item(), t_end-t_start)) print('==========================================')
[docs] def run_rand_gen(self, checkpoint_path, n_samples, c, ld_step, ld_noise, ld_step_size, clamp, atomic_num_list): r""" Running graph generation for random generation task. Args: checkpoint_path (str): The path of the trained model, *i.e.*, the .pt file. n_samples (int): the number of molecules to generate. c (float): The scaling hyperparameter for dequantization. ld_step (int): The number of iteration steps of Langevin dynamics. ld_noise (float): The standard deviation of the added noise in Langevin dynamics. ld_step_size (int): The step size of Langevin dynamics. clamp (bool): Whether to use gradient clamp in Langevin dynamics. atomic_num_list (list): The list used to indicate atom types. :rtype: gen_mols (list): A list of generated molecules represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects; """ print("Loading paramaters from {}".format(checkpoint_path)) self.energy_function.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path)) parameters = self.energy_function.parameters() ### Initialization print("Initializing samples...") gen_x = torch.rand(n_samples, self.n_atom_type, self.n_atom, device=self.device) * (1 + c) gen_adj = torch.rand(n_samples, self.n_edge_type, self.n_atom, self.n_atom, device=self.device) gen_x.requires_grad = True gen_adj.requires_grad = True requires_grad(parameters, False) self.energy_function.eval() noise_x = torch.randn_like(gen_x, device=self.device) noise_adj = torch.randn_like(gen_adj, device=self.device) ### Langevin dynamics print("Generating samples...") for _ in range(ld_step): noise_x.normal_(0, ld_noise) noise_adj.normal_(0, ld_noise) gen_out = self.energy_function(gen_adj, gen_x) gen_out.sum().backward() if clamp:, 0.01), 0.01), alpha=-ld_step_size), alpha=-ld_step_size) gen_x.grad.detach_() gen_x.grad.zero_() gen_adj.grad.detach_() gen_adj.grad.zero_(), 1 + c), 1) gen_x = gen_x.detach() gen_adj = gen_adj.detach() gen_adj = (gen_adj + gen_adj.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) / 2 gen_mols = gen_mol_from_one_shot_tensor(gen_adj, gen_x, atomic_num_list, correct_validity=True) return gen_mols
[docs] def train_goal_directed(self, loader, lr, wd, max_epochs, c, ld_step, ld_noise, ld_step_size, clamp, alpha, save_interval, save_dir): r""" Running training for goal-directed generation task. Args: loader: The data loader for loading training samples. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.QM9/ZINC250k as the dataset class, and apply to it to form the data loader. lr (float): The learning rate for training. wd (float): The weight decay factor for training. max_epochs (int): The maximum number of training epochs. c (float): The scaling hyperparameter for dequantization. ld_step (int): The number of iteration steps of Langevin dynamics. ld_noise (float): The standard deviation of the added noise in Langevin dynamics. ld_step_size (int): The step size of Langevin dynamics. clamp (bool): Whether to use gradient clamp in Langevin dynamics. alpha (float): The weight coefficient for loss function. save_interval (int): The frequency to save the model parameters to .pt files, *e.g.*, if save_interval=2, the model parameters will be saved for every 2 training epochs. save_dir (str): the directory to save the model parameters. """ parameters = self.energy_function.parameters() optimizer = Adam(parameters, lr=lr, betas=(0.0, 0.999), weight_decay=wd) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) for epoch in range(max_epochs): t_start = time.time() losses_reg = [] losses_en = [] losses = [] for _, batch in enumerate(tqdm(loader)): ### Dequantization pos_x = pos_x += c * torch.rand_like(pos_x, device=self.device) pos_adj = pos_adj += c * torch.rand_like(pos_adj, device=self.device) pos_y = ### Langevin dynamics neg_x = torch.rand_like(pos_x, device=self.device) * (1 + c) neg_adj = torch.rand_like(pos_adj, device=self.device) pos_adj = rescale_adj(pos_adj) neg_x.requires_grad = True neg_adj.requires_grad = True requires_grad(parameters, False) self.energy_function.eval() noise_x = torch.randn_like(neg_x, device=self.device) noise_adj = torch.randn_like(neg_adj, device=self.device) for _ in range(ld_step): noise_x.normal_(0, ld_noise) noise_adj.normal_(0, ld_noise) neg_out = self.energy_function(neg_adj, neg_x) neg_out.sum().backward() if clamp:, 0.01), 0.01), alpha=ld_step_size), alpha=ld_step_size) neg_x.grad.detach_() neg_x.grad.zero_() neg_adj.grad.detach_() neg_adj.grad.zero_(), 1 + c), 1) ### Training by backprop neg_x = neg_x.detach() neg_adj = neg_adj.detach() requires_grad(parameters, True) self.energy_function.train() self.energy_function.zero_grad() pos_out = self.energy_function(pos_adj, pos_x) neg_out = self.energy_function(neg_adj, neg_x) loss_reg = (pos_out ** 2 + neg_out ** 2) # energy magnitudes regularizer loss_en = (1 + torch.exp(pos_y)) * pos_out - neg_out # loss for shaping energy function loss = loss_en + alpha * loss_reg loss = loss.mean() loss.backward() clip_grad(optimizer) optimizer.step() losses_reg.append(loss_reg.mean()) losses_en.append(loss_en.mean()) losses.append(loss) t_end = time.time() ### Save checkpoints if (epoch+1) % save_interval == 0:, os.path.join(save_dir, 'epoch_{}.pt'.format(epoch + 1))) print('Saving checkpoint at epoch ', epoch+1) print('==========================================') print('Epoch: {:03d}, Loss: {:.6f}, Energy Loss: {:.6f}, Regularizer Loss: {:.6f}, Sec/Epoch: {:.2f}'.format(epoch+1, (sum(losses)/len(losses)).item(), (sum(losses_en)/len(losses_en)).item(), (sum(losses_reg)/len(losses_reg)).item(), t_end-t_start)) print('==========================================')
[docs] def run_prop_opt(self, checkpoint_path, initialization_loader, c, ld_step, ld_noise, ld_step_size, clamp, atomic_num_list, train_smiles): r""" Running graph generation for goal-directed generation task: property optimization. Args: checkpoint_path (str): The path of the trained model, *i.e.*, the .pt file. initialization_loader: The data loader for loading samples to initialize the Langevin dynamics. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.QM9/ZINC250k as the dataset class, and apply to it to form the data loader. c (float): The scaling hyperparameter for dequantization. ld_step (int): The number of iteration steps of Langevin dynamics. ld_noise (float): The standard deviation of the added noise in Langevin dynamics. ld_step_size (int): The step size of Langevin dynamics. clamp (bool): Whether to use gradient clamp in Langevin dynamics. atomic_num_list (list): The list used to indicate atom types. train_smiles (list): A list of smiles string corresponding to training samples. :rtype: save_mols_list (list), prop_list (list): save_mols_list is a list of generated molecules with high QED scores represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects; prop_list is a list of the corresponding QED scores. """ print("Loading paramaters from {}".format(checkpoint_path)) self.energy_function.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path)) parameters = self.energy_function.parameters() save_mols_list = [] prop_list = [] for _, batch in enumerate(tqdm(initialization_loader)): ### Initialization gen_x = gen_adj = gen_x.requires_grad = True gen_adj.requires_grad = True requires_grad(parameters, False) self.energy_function.eval() noise_x = torch.randn_like(gen_x, device=self.device) noise_adj = torch.randn_like(gen_adj, device=self.device) ### Langevin dynamics for _ in range(ld_step): noise_x.normal_(0, ld_noise) noise_adj.normal_(0, ld_noise) gen_out = self.energy_function(gen_adj, gen_x) gen_out.sum().backward() if clamp:, 0.01), 0.01), alpha=-ld_step_size), alpha=-ld_step_size) gen_x.grad.detach_() gen_x.grad.zero_() gen_adj.grad.detach_() gen_adj.grad.zero_(), 1 + c), 1) gen_x_t = copy.deepcopy(gen_x) gen_adj_t = copy.deepcopy(gen_adj) gen_adj_t = (gen_adj_t + gen_adj_t.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) / 2 gen_mols = gen_mol_from_one_shot_tensor(gen_adj_t, gen_x_t, atomic_num_list, correct_validity=True) gen_smiles = [Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) for mol in gen_mols] for mol_idx in range(len(gen_smiles)): if gen_mols[mol_idx] is not None: tmp_mol = gen_mols[mol_idx] tmp_smiles = gen_smiles[mol_idx] if tmp_smiles not in train_smiles: tmp_qed = qed(tmp_mol) if tmp_qed > 0.930: save_mols_list.append(tmp_mol) prop_list.append(tmp_qed) return save_mols_list, prop_list
[docs] def run_const_prop_opt(self, checkpoint_path, initialization_loader, c, ld_step, ld_noise, ld_step_size, clamp, atomic_num_list, train_smiles): r""" Running graph generation for goal-directed generation task: constrained property optimization. Args: checkpoint_path (str): The path of the trained model, *i.e.*, the .pt file. initialization_loader: The data loader for loading samples to initialize the Langevin dynamics. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.QM9/ZINC250k as the dataset class, and apply to it to form the data loader. c (float): The scaling hyperparameter for dequantization. ld_step (int): The number of iteration steps of Langevin dynamics. ld_noise (float): The standard deviation of the added noise in Langevin dynamics. ld_step_size (int): The step size of Langevin dynamics. clamp (bool): Whether to use gradient clamp in Langevin dynamics. atomic_num_list (list): The list used to indicate atom types. train_smiles (list): A list of smiles string corresponding to training samples. :rtype: mols_0_list (list), mols_2_list (list), mols_4_list (list), mols_6_list (list), imp_0_list (list), imp_2_list (list), imp_4_list (list), imp_4_list (list): They are lists of optimized molecules (represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects) and the corresponding improvements under the threshold 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, respectively. """ print("Loading paramaters from {}".format(checkpoint_path)) self.energy_function.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path)) parameters = self.energy_function.parameters() mols_0_list = [None]*800 mols_2_list = [None]*800 mols_4_list = [None]*800 mols_6_list = [None]*800 imp_0_list = [0]*800 imp_2_list = [0]*800 imp_4_list = [0]*800 imp_6_list = [0]*800 for i, batch in enumerate(tqdm(initialization_loader)): ### Initialization gen_x = gen_adj = ori_mols = gen_mol_from_one_shot_tensor(gen_adj, gen_x, atomic_num_list, correct_validity=True) ori_smiles = [Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) for mol in ori_mols] gen_x.requires_grad = True gen_adj.requires_grad = True requires_grad(parameters, False) self.energy_function.eval() noise_x = torch.randn_like(gen_x, device=self.device) noise_adj = torch.randn_like(gen_adj, device=self.device) ### Langevin dynamics for k in range(ld_step): noise_x.normal_(0, ld_noise) noise_adj.normal_(0, ld_noise) gen_out = self.energy_function(gen_adj, gen_x) gen_out.sum().backward() if clamp:, 0.1), 0.1), alpha=-ld_step_size), alpha=-ld_step_size) gen_x.grad.detach_() gen_x.grad.zero_() gen_adj.grad.detach_() gen_adj.grad.zero_(), 1 + c), 1) gen_x_t = copy.deepcopy(gen_x) gen_adj_t = copy.deepcopy(gen_adj) gen_adj_t = (gen_adj_t + gen_adj_t.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) / 2 gen_mols = gen_mol_from_one_shot_tensor(gen_adj_t, gen_x_t, atomic_num_list, correct_validity=True) gen_smiles = [Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) for mol in gen_mols] for mol_idx in range(len(gen_smiles)): if gen_mols[mol_idx] is not None: tmp_mol = gen_mols[mol_idx] ori_mol = ori_mols[mol_idx] imp_p = calculate_min_plogp(tmp_mol) - calculate_min_plogp(ori_mol) current_sim = reward_target_molecule_similarity(tmp_mol, ori_mol) if current_sim >= 0.: if imp_p > imp_0_list[mol_idx]: mols_0_list[mol_idx] = tmp_mol if current_sim >= 0.2: if imp_p > imp_2_list[mol_idx]: mols_2_list[mol_idx] = tmp_mol if current_sim >= 0.4: if imp_p > imp_4_list[mol_idx]: mols_4_list[mol_idx] = tmp_mol if current_sim >= 0.6: if imp_p > imp_6_list[mol_idx]: mols_6_list[mol_idx] = tmp_mol return mols_0_list, mols_2_list, mols_4_list, mols_6_list, imp_0_list, imp_2_list, imp_4_list, imp_4_list
[docs] def run_comp_gen(self, checkpoint_path_qed, checkpoint_path_plogp, n_samples, c, ld_step, ld_noise, ld_step_size, clamp, atomic_num_list): r""" Running graph generation for compositional generation task. Args: checkpoint_path_qed (str): The path of the model trained on QED property, *i.e.*, the .pt file. checkpoint_path_plogp (str): The path of the model trained on plogp property, *i.e.*, the .pt file. n_samples (int): the number of molecules to generate. c (float): The scaling hyperparameter for dequantization. ld_step (int): The number of iteration steps of Langevin dynamics. ld_noise (float): The standard deviation of the added noise in Langevin dynamics. ld_step_size (int): The step size of Langevin dynamics. clamp (bool): Whether to use gradient clamp in Langevin dynamics. atomic_num_list (list): The list used to indicate atom types. :rtype: gen_mols (list): A list of generated molecules represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects; """ model_qed = self.energy_function model_plogp = copy.deepcopy(self.energy_function) print("Loading paramaters from {}".format(checkpoint_path_qed)) model_qed.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path_qed)) parameters_qed = model_qed.parameters() print("Loading paramaters from {}".format(checkpoint_path_plogp)) model_plogp.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path_plogp)) parameters_plogp = model_plogp.parameters() ### Initialization print("Initializing samples...") gen_x = torch.rand(n_samples, self.n_atom_type, self.n_atom, device=self.device) * (1 + c) gen_adj = torch.rand(n_samples, self.n_edge_type, self.n_atom, self.n_atom, device=self.device) gen_x.requires_grad = True gen_adj.requires_grad = True requires_grad(parameters_qed, False) requires_grad(parameters_plogp, False) model_qed.eval() model_plogp.eval() noise_x = torch.randn_like(gen_x, device=self.device) noise_adj = torch.randn_like(gen_adj, device=self.device) ### Langevin dynamics print("Generating samples...") for _ in range(ld_step): noise_x.normal_(0, ld_noise) noise_adj.normal_(0, ld_noise) gen_out_qed = model_qed(gen_adj, gen_x) gen_out_plogp = model_plogp(gen_adj, gen_x) gen_out = 0.5 * gen_out_qed + 0.5 * gen_out_plogp gen_out.sum().backward() if clamp:, 0.01), 0.01), alpha=-ld_step_size), alpha=-ld_step_size) gen_x.grad.detach_() gen_x.grad.zero_() gen_adj.grad.detach_() gen_adj.grad.zero_(), 1 + c), 1) gen_x = gen_x.detach() gen_adj = gen_adj.detach() gen_adj = (gen_adj + gen_adj.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) / 2 gen_mols = gen_mol_from_one_shot_tensor(gen_adj, gen_x, atomic_num_list, correct_validity=True) return gen_mols