Source code for dig.ggraph.method.GraphDF.graphdf

import os
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from rdkit import Chem
from dig.ggraph.method import Generator
from .model import GraphFlowModel, GraphFlowModel_rl, GraphFlowModel_con_rl
from .train_utils import adjust_learning_rate, DataIterator

[docs]class GraphDF(Generator): r""" The method class for GraphDF algorithm proposed in the paper `GraphDF: A Discrete Flow Model for Molecular Graph Generation <>`_. This class provides interfaces for running random generation, property optimization, and constrained optimization with GraphDF algorithm. Please refer to the `benchmark codes <>`_ for usage examples. """ def __init__(self): super(GraphDF, self).__init__() self.model = None def get_model(self, task, model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path=None): if model_conf_dict['use_gpu'] and not torch.cuda.is_available(): model_conf_dict['use_gpu'] = False if task == 'rand_gen': self.model = GraphFlowModel(model_conf_dict) elif task == 'prop_opt': self.model = GraphFlowModel_rl(model_conf_dict) elif task == 'const_prop_opt': self.model = GraphFlowModel_con_rl(model_conf_dict) else: raise ValueError('Task {} is not supported in GraphDF!'.format(task)) if checkpoint_path is not None: self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path)) def load_pretrain_model(self, path): load_key = torch.load(path) for key in load_key.keys(): if key in self.model.state_dict().keys(): self.model.state_dict()[key].copy_(load_key[key].detach().clone())
[docs] def train_rand_gen(self, loader, lr, wd, max_epochs, model_conf_dict, save_interval, save_dir): r""" Running training for random generation task. Args: loader: The data loader for loading training samples. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.QM9/ZINC250k/MOSES as the dataset class, and apply to it to form the data loader. lr (float): The learning rate for training. wd (float): The weight decay factor for training. max_epochs (int): The maximum number of training epochs. model_conf_dict (dict): The python dict for configuring the model hyperparameters. save_interval (int): Indicate the frequency to save the model parameters to .pth files, *e.g.*, if save_interval=2, the model parameters will be saved for every 2 training epochs. save_dir (str): The directory to save the model parameters. """ self.get_model('rand_gen', model_conf_dict) self.model.train() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()), lr=lr, weight_decay=wd) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) for epoch in range(1, max_epochs+1): total_loss = 0 for batch, data_batch in enumerate(loader): optimizer.zero_grad() inp_node_features = data_batch.x #(B, N, node_dim) inp_adj_features = data_batch.adj #(B, 4, N, N) if model_conf_dict['use_gpu']: inp_node_features = inp_node_features.cuda() inp_adj_features = inp_adj_features.cuda() out_z = self.model(inp_node_features, inp_adj_features) loss = self.model.dis_log_prob(out_z) loss.backward() optimizer.step() total_loss +='cpu').item() print('Training iteration {} | loss {}'.format(batch,'cpu').item())) avg_loss = total_loss / (batch + 1) print("Training | Average loss {}".format(avg_loss)) if epoch % save_interval == 0:, os.path.join(save_dir, 'rand_gen_ckpt_{}.pth'.format(epoch)))
[docs] def run_rand_gen(self, model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path, n_mols=100, num_min_node=7, num_max_node=25, temperature=[0.3, 0.3], atomic_num_list=[6, 7, 8, 9]): r""" Running graph generation for random generation task. Args: model_conf_dict (dict): The python dict for configuring the model hyperparameters. checkpoint_path (str): The path to the saved model checkpoint file. n_mols (int, optional): The number of molecules to generate. (default: :obj:`100`) num_min_node (int, optional): The minimum number of nodes in the generated molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`7`) num_max_node (int, optional): the maximum number of nodes in the generated molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`25`) temperature (list, optional): a list of two float numbers, the temperature parameter of prior distribution. (default: :obj:`[0.3, 0.3]`) atomic_num_list (list, optional): a list of integers, the list of atomic numbers indicating the node types in the generated molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`[6, 7, 8, 9]`) :rtype: (all_mols, pure_valids), all_mols is a list of generated molecules represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects; pure_valids is a list of integers, all are 0 or 1, indicating whether bond resampling happens. """ self.get_model('rand_gen', model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path) self.model.eval() all_mols, pure_valids = [], [] cnt_mol = 0 while cnt_mol < n_mols: mol, no_resample, num_atoms = self.model.generate(atom_list=atomic_num_list, min_atoms=num_min_node, max_atoms=num_max_node, temperature=temperature) if (num_atoms >= num_min_node): cnt_mol += 1 all_mols.append(mol) pure_valids.append(no_resample) if cnt_mol % 10 == 0: print('Generated {} molecules'.format(cnt_mol)) assert cnt_mol == n_mols, 'number of generated molecules does not equal num' return all_mols, pure_valids
[docs] def train_prop_opt(self, lr, wd, max_iters, warm_up, model_conf_dict, pretrain_path, save_interval, save_dir): r""" Running fine-tuning for property optimization task. Args: lr (float): The learning rate for fine-tuning. wd (float): The weight decay factor for training. max_iters (int): The maximum number of training iters. warm_up (int): The number of linear warm-up iters. model_conf_dict (dict): The python dict for configuring the model hyperparameters. pretrain_path (str): The path to the saved pretrained model file. save_interval (int): Indicate the frequency to save the model parameters to .pth files, *e.g.*, if save_interval=20, the model parameters will be saved for every 20 training iters. save_dir (str): The directory to save the model parameters. """ self.get_model('prop_opt', model_conf_dict) self.load_pretrain_model(pretrain_path) self.model.train() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()), lr=lr, weight_decay=wd) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) print('start finetuning model(reinforce)') moving_baseline = None for cur_iter in range(max_iters): optimizer.zero_grad() loss, per_mol_reward, per_mol_property_score, moving_baseline = self.model.reinforce_forward_optim(in_baseline=moving_baseline, cur_iter=cur_iter) num_mol = len(per_mol_reward) avg_reward = sum(per_mol_reward) / num_mol avg_score = sum(per_mol_property_score) / num_mol loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.flow_core.parameters()), 1.0) adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, cur_iter, lr, warm_up) optimizer.step() print('Iter {} | reward {}, score {}, loss {}'.format(cur_iter, avg_reward, avg_score, loss.item())) if cur_iter % save_interval == save_interval - 1:, os.path.join(save_dir, 'prop_opt_net_{}.pth'.format(cur_iter))) print("Finetuning (Reinforce) Finished!")
[docs] def run_prop_opt(self, model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path, n_mols=100, num_min_node=7, num_max_node=25, temperature=[0.3, 0.3], atomic_num_list=[6, 7, 8, 9]): r""" Running graph generation for property optimization task. Args: model_conf_dict (dict): The python dict for configuring the model hyperparameters. checkpoint_path (str): The path to the saved model checkpoint file. n_mols (int, optional): The number of molecules to generate. (default: :obj:`100`) num_min_node (int, optional): The minimum number of nodes in the generated molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`7`) num_max_node (int, optional): The maximum number of nodes in the generated molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`25`) temperature (list, optional): A list of two float numbers, the temperature parameter of prior distribution. (default: :obj:`[0.3, 0.3]`) atomic_num_list (list, optional): A list of integers, the list of atomic numbers indicating the node types in the generated molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`[6, 7, 8, 9]`) :rtype: all_mols, a list of generated molecules represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects. """ self.get_model('prop_opt', model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path) self.model.eval() all_mols, all_smiles = [], [] cnt_mol = 0 while cnt_mol < n_mols: mol, num_atoms = self.model.reinforce_optim_one_mol(atom_list=atomic_num_list, max_size_rl=num_max_node, temperature=temperature) if mol is not None: smile = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) if num_atoms >= num_min_node and not smile in all_smiles: all_mols.append(mol) all_smiles.append(smile) cnt_mol += 1 if cnt_mol % 10 == 0: print('Generated {} molecules'.format(cnt_mol)) return all_mols
[docs] def train_const_prop_opt(self, loader, lr, wd, max_iters, warm_up, model_conf_dict, pretrain_path, save_interval, save_dir): r""" Running fine-tuning for constrained optimization task. Args: loader: The data loader for loading training samples. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.ZINC800 as the dataset class, and apply to it to form the data loader. lr (float): The learning rate for training. wd (float): The weight decay factor for training. max_iters (int): The maximum number of training iters. warm_up (int): The number of linear warm-up iters. model_conf_dict (dict): The python dict for configuring the model hyperparameters. pretrain_path (str): The path to the saved pretrained model parameters file. save_interval (int): Indicate the frequency to save the model parameters to .pth files, *e.g.*, if save_interval=20, the model parameters will be saved for every 20 training iters. save_dir (str): The directory to save the model parameters. """ self.get_model('const_prop_opt', model_conf_dict) self.load_pretrain_model(pretrain_path) self.model.train() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()), lr=lr, weight_decay=wd) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) loader = DataIterator(loader) print('start finetuning model(reinforce)') moving_baseline = None for cur_iter in range(max_iters): optimizer.zero_grad() batch_data = next(loader) mol_xs = batch_data.x mol_adjs = batch_data.adj mol_sizes = batch_data.num_atom bfs_perm_origin = batch_data.bfs_perm_origin raw_smiles = loss, per_mol_reward, per_mol_property_score, moving_baseline = self.model.reinforce_forward_constrained_optim( mol_xs=mol_xs, mol_adjs=mol_adjs, mol_sizes=mol_sizes, raw_smiles=raw_smiles, bfs_perm_origin=bfs_perm_origin, in_baseline=moving_baseline, cur_iter=cur_iter) num_mol = len(per_mol_reward) avg_reward = sum(per_mol_reward) / num_mol avg_score = sum(per_mol_property_score) / num_mol loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.flow_core.parameters()), 1.0) adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, cur_iter, lr, warm_up) optimizer.step() print('Iter {} | reward {}, score {}, loss {}'.format(cur_iter, avg_reward, avg_score, loss.item())) if cur_iter % save_interval == save_interval - 1:, os.path.join(save_dir, 'const_prop_opt_net_{}.pth'.format(cur_iter))) print("Finetuning (Reinforce) Finished!")
def run_const_prop_opt_one_mol(self, adj, x, org_smile, mol_size, bfs_perm_origin, max_size_rl=38, temperature=[0.3,0.3], atom_list=[6, 7, 8, 9]): best_mol0 = None best_mol2 = None best_mol4 = None best_mol6 = None best_imp0 = -100. best_imp2 = -100. best_imp4 = -100. best_imp6 = -100. final_sim0 = -1. final_sim2 = -1. final_sim4 = -1. final_sim6 = -1. mol_org = Chem.MolFromSmiles(org_smile) mol_org_size = mol_org.GetNumAtoms() assert mol_org_size == mol_size cur_mols, cur_mol_imps, cur_mol_sims = self.model.reinforce_constrained_optim_one_mol(x, adj, mol_size, org_smile, bfs_perm_origin, atom_list=atom_list, temperature=temperature, max_size_rl=max_size_rl) num_success = len(cur_mol_imps) for i in range(num_success): cur_mol = cur_mols[i] cur_imp = cur_mol_imps[i] cur_sim = cur_mol_sims[i] assert cur_imp > 0 if cur_sim > 0: if cur_imp > best_imp0: best_mol0 = cur_mol best_imp0 = cur_imp final_sim0 = cur_sim if cur_sim > 0.2: if cur_imp > best_imp2: best_mol2 = cur_mol best_imp2 = cur_imp final_sim2 = cur_sim if cur_sim > 0.4: if cur_imp > best_imp4: best_mol4 = cur_mol best_imp4 = cur_imp final_sim4 = cur_sim if cur_sim > 0.6: if cur_imp > best_imp6: best_mol6 = cur_mol best_imp6 = cur_imp final_sim6 = cur_sim return [best_mol0, best_mol2, best_mol4, best_mol6], [best_imp0, best_imp2, best_imp4, best_imp6], [final_sim0, final_sim2, final_sim4, final_sim6]
[docs] def run_const_prop_opt(self, dataset, model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path, repeat_time=200, min_optim_time=50, num_max_node=25, temperature=[0.3, 0.3], atomic_num_list=[6, 7, 8, 9]): r""" Running molecule optimization for constrained optimization task. Args: dataset: The dataset class for loading molecules to be optimized. It is supposed to use dig.ggraph.dataset.ZINC800 as the dataset class. model_conf_dict (dict): The python dict for configuring the model hyperparameters. checkpoint_path (str): The path to the saved model checkpoint file. repeat_time (int, optional): The maximum number of optimization times for each molecule before successfully optimizing it under the threshold 0.6. (default: :obj:`200`) min_optim_time (int, optional): The minimum number of optimization times for each molecule. (default: :obj:`50`) num_max_node (int, optional): The maximum number of nodes in the optimized molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`25`) temperature (list, optional): A list of two float numbers, the temperature parameter of prior distribution. (default: :obj:`[0.3, 0.3]`) atomic_num_list (list, optional): A list of integers, the list of atomic numbers indicating the node types in the optimized molecular graphs. (default: :obj:`[6, 7, 8, 9]`) :rtype: (mols_0, mols_2, mols_4, mols_6), they are lists of optimized molecules (represented by rdkit Chem.Mol objects) under the threshold 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, respectively. """ self.get_model('const_prop_opt', model_conf_dict, checkpoint_path) self.model.eval() data_len = len(dataset) optim_success_dict = {} mols_0, mols_2, mols_4, mols_6 = [], [], [], [] for batch_cnt in range(data_len): best_mol = [None, None, None, None] best_score = [-100., -100., -100., -100.] final_sim = [-1., -1., -1., -1.] batch_data = dataset[batch_cnt] # dataloader is dataset object inp_node_features = batch_data.x.unsqueeze(0) #(1, N, node_dim) inp_adj_features = batch_data.adj.unsqueeze(0) #(1, 4, N, N) raw_smile = #(1) mol_size = batch_data.num_atom bfs_perm_origin = batch_data.bfs_perm_origin for _ in range(repeat_time): if raw_smile not in optim_success_dict: optim_success_dict[raw_smile] = [0, -1] #(try_time, imp) if optim_success_dict[raw_smile][0] > min_optim_time and optim_success_dict[raw_smile][1] > 0: # reach min time and imp is positive continue # not optimize this one best_mol0246, best_score0246, final_sim0246 = self.run_const_prop_opt_one_mol(inp_adj_features, inp_node_features, raw_smile, mol_size, bfs_perm_origin, num_max_node, temperature, atomic_num_list) if best_score0246[0] > best_score[0]: best_score[0] = best_score0246[0] best_mol[0] = best_mol0246[0] final_sim[0] = final_sim0246[0] if best_score0246[1] > best_score[1]: best_score[1] = best_score0246[1] best_mol[1] = best_mol0246[1] final_sim[1] = final_sim0246[1] if best_score0246[2] > best_score[2]: best_score[2] = best_score0246[2] best_mol[2] = best_mol0246[2] final_sim[2] = final_sim0246[2] if best_score0246[3] > best_score[3]: best_score[3] = best_score0246[3] best_mol[3] = best_mol0246[3] final_sim[3] = final_sim0246[3] if best_score[3] > 0: #imp > 0 optim_success_dict[raw_smile][1] = best_score[3] optim_success_dict[raw_smile][0] += 1 # try time + 1 mols_0.append(best_mol[0]) mols_2.append(best_mol[1]) mols_4.append(best_mol[2]) mols_6.append(best_mol[3]) if batch_cnt % 1 == 0: print('Optimized {} molecules'.format(batch_cnt+1)) return mols_0, mols_2, mols_4, mols_6